Rarity: ★★☆☆☆
Activity: ★★★★☆
Growth Speed: ★★★★☆
Award: Most romantic ant
Care Level: Easy
Founding Type: Claustral
Setup: At the founding stage, a test tube setup or founding chamber with a water source is sufficient. Once the number of workers exceeds ~30, they should be moved into a small nest.
Diet: Queens do not require feeding until workers arrive. When workers arrive, feed sugars and protein regularly.
Queen size: 8-10mm
Worker size: 2-3mm
These ants get their name from their distinctive heart-shaped abdomens. They’re also known as the acrobat ant as a result of their unique ability to bend their abdomen forward, over their backs. They’re an arboreal species, often found in trees across Australia. You should have no problems rising these beautiful ants, they’re quite relaxed and a great fit for beginners.
I only got a queen with brood but she came with workers. It was a pleasant surprise.
Would recommend to all perspective customers! And will purchase from again without hesitation!
Healthy and active